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Police: TN supermarket shooter had been asked to leave work before opening fire

Law enforcement investigating last Thursday afternoon's mass shooting at the Colliervile Kroger's supermarket announced that the perpetrator, who was employed within the store, had been asked to leave hours before he returned to open fire.

The gunman who had worked routinely as a third party vendor in the store's sushi department, was asked to leave the store for an undisclosed reason. He returned at approximately 1:30 pm and shot 10 employees and five customers, one fatally. The shooter committed suicide on scene. Four of the people who were shot remain hospitalized as of today.

The WVPI has repeatedly held that the time of termination presents the greatest potential for risk of deadly occupational violence.

Peek inside "The Killer in the Next Cubicle" for information on how to mitigate the risk of workplace violence by clicking on this link:




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