EEOC announces settlement in favor of teen worker harassed by management and colleagues
I have been concerned about the potential for abuse of vulnerable younger workers for many years. In 2016, I addressed these concerns in the following video on the 180 seconds You Tube channel:
Then on April 23, 2021, the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) announced that it settled a lawsuit on behalf of a teen worker who alleged she was sexually harassed by a manager and co-workers. The settlement involves monetary damages of $85,000 and other relief pursuant to a five-year consent degree.
The teen was represented by the EEOC in a lawsuit alleging El Vallarta, a small chain of Nebraska restaurants, violated Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by permitting a manager and other workers to sexually harass her. The lawsuit alleged that a male manager grabbed the teen's bottom while making a sexual comment to her and that male coworkers repeatedly made inappropriate sexual comments about her body.
The lawsuit goes on to state that after the teen's mother filed a complaint to the restaurant, that the manager showed up at her home on two occasions, causing great distress to the teen and her family. The EEOC alleges the harassment caused the teen worker to quit her job. Thereafter, a charge of discrimination was filed with the EEOC, followed by the lawsuit which has now settled.