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A week of continued violence in our schools

- On Wednesday, 15-year-old William Chavis Raynard Miller Jr., a student at Mount Tabor High School in Winston-Salem, NC was shot dead at school. A fellow student has been charged with William's murder.

- On Monday, a 15 year old student was shot by a 15-year old classmate at another North Carolina school. That shooting occurred at North Hanover High School in Wilmington.

Photo of William and his family courtesy of the William Chavis Raynard Miller, Jr. Go Fund Me Memorial fund page

- On Thursday, a parent walked into Mesquite Elementary School in Tuscon, Arizona with two other men toting zip ties. After confronting the school's principal, the man threatened to make a "citizen's arrest."

- Anger over "mask wars" at school board meetings and at schools in Colorado, Pennsylvania, Florida and elsewhere is continuing.

The WVPI's concern for the safety of students and employees at our schools. Safety is everyone's business.

Please take the WVPI's "3-3 Pledge" today ---)



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