F.B.I. Sample Workplace Violence Policy
Workplace violence is a growing concern. OSHA estimates that 2,000,000 workers fall victim to workplace violence each year with "many" cases going unreported. Thus the actual number is likely much higher than 2,000,000 Americans.
An important component to any workplace violence prevention program is a written policy communicating expectations in advance.
While there is no "one size fits all" approach to developing such a protocol, the following sample workplace violence policy is offered by the F.B.I. and is offered as a general guide:
This organization does not tolerate workplace violence.
We define workplace violence as actions or words that endanger or harm another employee or result in other employees having a reasonable belief that they are in danger. Such actions include: • Verbal or physical harassment • Verbal or physical threats • Assaults or other violence • Any other behavior that causes others to feel unsafe (e.g. bullying, sexual harassment).
Company policy requires an immediate response to all reports of violence. All threatening incidents will be investigated and documented by the employee relations department. If appropriate, the company may provide counseling services or referrals for employees.
The following disciplinary actions may also be taken:
• Oral reprimand
• Written reprimand
• Suspension
• Termination
It’s the responsibility of all employees to report all threatening behavior to management immediately. The goal of this policy is to promote the safety and well-being of all people in our workplace.
Prevention is the only solution to the continuing epidemic of workplace violence.
For further information, please contact Kathleen M. Bonczyk, Esq., Executive Director, Workplace Violence Prevention Institute. info@workplaceviolencepreventioninstitute.org
Workplace Violence. Issues in Response. The United States Department of Justice. Federal Bureau of Investigation.