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Bullies will not S.T.O.P. unless bullying is criminalized - Here's Why

Some who bully in the workplace or our schools enjoy seeing their victims traumatized by their psychological batteries.

anti-bullying advocate Mrs. Jean Jones and her daughter Jodie who took her own life after she was bullied - the night before she was to receive a negative performance review.

Why else would the bully in this day and age with all the attention bullying has gotten, with all the policies directing employees and students not to bully, and with all the research proving the damage it does do bullies still bully?

Some supervisors, employees and students bully because they enjoy the power they hold over their targets.

Some may be sociopaths or psychopaths who completely lack any empathy whatsoever for others who are suffering. These bullies could care less if their malicious taunts, teasing, words, or actions results in the victim experiencing stress, nausea, headaches, loss of self-esteem, depression, or suicidal thoughts.

These bullies care only about themselves.

Consequently any anti-bullying programs or "just be nice" campaigns will not work on this type of bully.

Victims exposed to bullying at schools or in the workplace may suffer incredible pain due to on-going exposure to the bully. It is one thing for a victim to confront a bully one time at a sporting event, at a theatre or elsewhere in the general community where the victim has the option of getting up and leaving.

It is another proposition entirely when the bully is the target's supervisor, co-worker or fellow student where the victim wakes up to the knowledge he or she must see the bully once again. Here there is no such thing as getting up and leaving.

Kenneth Suttner.

SB791 in Missouri aka "Kenny's Law" is proposed legislation named for high school junior Kenneth Suttner who took his own life after being bullied on December 21, 2016.

SB791 seeks to attach criminal penalties to bullying when it leads to the victim taking his or her own life which has occurred far too many times and keeps occurring . Please go here to learn more about "KennyBug" and the proposed law:

WVPI founder Kathleen M. Bonczyk and anti-bullying advocate Mrs. Suttner, Kenny's mom

Criminal penalties must attach when it has been proven the bully has caused trauma to the victim. This will act as a deterrent and is necessary to S.T.O.P bullying in all forms including cyber-bullying which is out of control.

Please read the Petition for more information.

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