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US School Shooting Victims

Columbine High School, Littleton, Colorado 4/20/99.Shooters were 17 & 18-year-old students who died at the scene.

Barry Grunow, Teacher at Lake Worth Middle School, Lake Worth, Florida. 5/26/00. Shooter was a 13-year-old student.

Sandy Hook Elementary School, Newtown, Connecticut, 12/14/12. The 20-year-old shooter who attended Sandy Hook in first grade died at the scene.

Michael Landsberry, Nevada Guard Master Sergeant.

Teacher at Sparks Middle School, Sparks, Nevada 10/1/13.

Shooter was a 12-year-old student who died on the scene.

Students Bailey Holt, Preston Cope, both 15-years-old, Marshall County High School, Benton, Kentucky, 1/24/18. The accused shooter was a 15-year-old fellow student.

Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, Parkland, Florida,

2/14/18. The accused shooter was a 19-year-old former student.

Student Courtlin Arrington, 17, was killed inside a classroom. Huffman High School, Birmingham, Alabama, 3/7/18. The accused shooter was a 17-year-old fellow student .

Santa Fe High School, Santa Fe, Texas, 5/18/18.

Shooter was a 17-year-old student.

Stop School Violence Now.

Prevention is the Only Solution.

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