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Workplace Violence Prevention Institute - WVPI
a not-for-profit organization
Providing Workplace Violence Prevention Research, Education and Training
Recent Posts
Susan Hosage: EAPs and Workplace Violence Prevention
Foreword: Last year, I had the pleasure of meeting Susan Hosage, who was a fellow presenter at BLR's Workplace Violence Prevention...
Holding bullies accountable
Kenny Suttner's tragic case was the topic of an HBO documentary which asked "Can a person be criminally liable for someone else's...
Sexual Harassment vs. Sexual Favoritism
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration ("OSHA") states that harassment is a form of workplace violence. The "#metoo" movement...
Televised murders of Allison Parker and Adam Ward and the creation of the WVPI
I have been involved in the employee safety field since the 1990s. The incident that induced me to create the Workplace Violence...
Workplace violence akin to domestic violence
When Houston police responded to the 12/29/17 double murder/suicide involving ex-employee gunman Daniel Ferraretto (middle) & murder...
Who pays the economic costs of workplace violence?
From my forthcoming book "The Killer in the Next Cubicle." (c) Kathleen M. Bonczyk, Esq.
Risk Mitigation
My forthcoming book "The Killer in the Next Cubicle" will be published in February 2018. Watch this space for ordering details.
No one is immune from active shooter/workplace violence
The late Lt. Col. William A. Schroeder: A highly decorated member of our Armed Forces. Photo source:
The Killer in the Next Cubicle - Coming in February 2018
This White Paper will profile victims and killers, include case studies, statistical information, contributing factors, the costs of...
Jamaican bride flies to meet her husband only to learn he was murdered by an ex-colleague
On December 30, 2017 Kendric Wade, a mechanic and 20 year employee of the Beamer Plus repair shop in Houston, Texas was shot and killed...
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