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Workplace Violence Prevention Institute - WVPI
a not-for-profit organization
Providing Workplace Violence Prevention Research, Education and Training
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2 days 2 states 2 school shootings bullying may have been involved in one
Bullying may have played a role in one of two active shooter situations that occurred in the United States this week. On Monday a 15 year...
Angelo Gioia: Workplace Violence, Every Employer's Worst Fear
Workplace violence touches upon multiple lines of insurance. Employers require coverage. Today's article comes to us from guest blogger...
Law Enforcement & Workplace Violence Prevention
Workplace violence costs over $120 billion per year. The F.B.I. advises nearly 46% of all active shooter situations occur at businesses. ...
Trial in Fattoumatta Jallow workplace murder approaching
On December 21, 2016, Fattoumatta "Fattou" Jallow, 23, was shot dead while working at a group home run by REM Wisconsin for cognitively...
Centers for Disease Control: Bullying as a serious health threat
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ("CDC") in Atlanta regards bullying as a serious problem to national health in America....
My 2006 article on employment practices liability insurance
One line of coverage businesses obtain to insure against harassment and other types of claims is employment practices liability insurance...
Workplace "bully" shot/business owner killed, employee arrested
"The person that was shot twice was apparently very aggressive to the other employees and I guess for lack of a better term a bully,"...
You Tube Legal Educational Channel
My You Tube Channel is entitled "180 Seconds." The purpose is to provide legal educational content on a myriad of topics in a consice...
Dr. Tanenbaum: Factors that can Trigger Workplace Bullying
Yesterday guest blogger Susan Hosage, had this to say about Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs): "EAPs provide assistance with marital...
Joseph opens up about his experiences with bullying
"I ended up in the hospital once because of bullying. I was even bullied by a teacher. It should have never happened," says WVPI artist...
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