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Workplace Violence Prevention Institute - WVPI
a not-for-profit organization
Providing Workplace Violence Prevention Research, Education and Training
Recent Posts
Bullying a serious issue in nursing says the American Nurses Association
The America Nursing Association (ANA) finds that bullying, incivility and workplace violence violence "are serious issues in nursing."...
7th grader with a rifle shoots himself at a middle school today
In yet another incident involving a high-powered firearm on school property, a 7th grader at an Ohio middle school shot himself on campus...
WVPI Symposium Orlando
A date for the diary. Contact the WVPI for registration information.
Bullying is a form of workplace violence
The United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has determined that workplace violence includes "harassment,...
Harassment and the role of the EEOC
Before an employee can sue for harassment under federal law, he or she must first file a charge of discrimination with the United States...
WVPI Founder to present violence prevention seminar in Broward County, Florida
Kathleen M. Bonczyk is scheduled to present three modules related to workplace violence prevention for the National Business Institute on...
Three employees murdered at Stoneman Douglas High School
Three employees of the Margory Stoneman Douglas High School were murdered during the February 14, 2018 mass shooting in Parkland, Florida...
Workplace violence prevention
Please watch this brief video on the growing epidemic of workplace violence.
WVPI Symposium
My son Joseph Bonczyk with beloved family friend Nicholas Anthony Corvino, our home Thanksgiving 2016. Nick was shot dead in Kissimmee,...
Confirmed attendees: Jane Brady and Dr. Jim Nosal, parents of the late Caroline Nosal shot dead by a former co-worker as she left work...
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