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Workplace Violence Prevention Institute - WVPI
a not-for-profit organization
Providing Workplace Violence Prevention Research, Education and Training
Recent Posts
Active shooters: Tips to stay safe
Active shooter is a topic no one wants to think of but is one everyone should be aware of. Given the current climate an active shooter...
Remembering Ryan Birse
Two years ago today Ryan Birse was shot multiple times in a senseless act of workplace gun violence in Kentucky. The active shooter who...
Ex-worker was awaiting trial for 2017 gun-related incident involving employee who was later murdered
On February 1, 2018, Keith Kitchen, 60, was shot dead while at work at BSD Linehaul Inc. in Michigan. Kitchen's accused murderer then...
Coming 2/28/18
The Killer in the Next Cubicle, Part I drops 2/28/18. Dedicated to the memory of Kenneth Suttner. cover design by Joseph D. Bonczyk
Parents advised they have a "duty" to monitor a child's social media activity as 10 ju
Authorities in Virginia Beach announced at a press conference Friday they have charged 10 juveniles with various misdemeanors involving...
FL attorneys may earn 2.5 CLE credits at the 5/10/18 WVPI Symposium
WVPI President and Founder Kathleen M. Bonczyk, Esq. will present a legal overview of "Workplace Violence" at the May 10, 2018 Symposium...
13-year-old student dies from self-inflicted gunshot wound sustained at school
A 13-year-old 7th grade Ohio student has succumbed to a gunshot wound he sustained two days ago on February 20, 2018. The boy has been...
Guns used in 90% of employee-on-employee homicides per WVPI research
"The Killer in the Next Cubicle" is a white paper dealing with the epidemic of workplace violence by Kathleen M. Bonczyk, the WVPI's...
Kathleen's interview last summer re: mass shootings
WVPI founder Kathleen M. Bonczyk addressed mass shootings while a guest on the Jimmy Cefalo show out of Broward County. Broward Sheriff...
2.0 Florida CLE credits offered at 5/10/18 WVPI Symposium
Florida attorneys who attend the May 10, 2018 WVPI Symposium will be able to earn 2.0 continuing legal education (CLE) credits in...
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