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Workplace Violence Prevention Institute - WVPI
a not-for-profit organization
Providing Workplace Violence Prevention Research, Education and Training
Recent Posts
What is the WVPI?
Please watch the following brief video to learn about the WVPI:
Workplace violence is a global problem
Although much of the educational content provided by the WPVI addresses violence in America, citizens in other countries across the world...
WVPI Violence Prevention Symposium
One month from today, I will be joined at the WVPI Violence Prevention Symposium by the family of Ryan Birse who was viciously shot dead...
Only a few seats left 2018 Violence Prevention Symposium
The WVPI's Violence Prevention Symposium is less than one month away. We have just a few seats left for this reservation-only event....
Workplace violence = the new domestic violence for law enforcement
Law enforcement has recognized for decades the particular dangers domestic violence presents to officers responding to these calls for...
In our active shooter culture: Safety is everyone's business
Safety is not just up to Loss Prevention, Executive Management, Human Resources, Law Enforcement or Politicians. We all play a role....
Before the next active shooter episode occurs...
The time to truly, strategically adopt a proactive and preventative has come and gone. We got this America. Let's get to work now before...
South Florida Architect & Founding WVPI member Keith D. Chambers to attend Orlando Symposium
Keith D. Chambers who attended the inaugural meeting of the WVPI in June 2016 in New Jersey has confirmed he will be in the room at the...
WVPI: Getting proACTIVE about ACTIVE shooters
The April edition of Claims Magazine features the WVPI's in-depth article on preventing active shooter situations. To view the digital...
Triple attempted murder/suicide by active shooter at YouTube
In a rare instance of a solo female shooter, three people were wounded yesterday at You Tube's headquarters in San Bruno, California in...
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