Workplace Violence Prevention Institute - WVPI
a not-for-profit organization
Providing Workplace Violence Prevention Research, Education and Training
Recent Posts
Kathleen Bonczyk, Esq. to participate in "twitter chat" on active shooter insurance coverage
Federal judiciary calls for improved workplace security for judges
WVPI mentioned in the first live seminar held by the Tennessee Bar's Labor and Employment CLE course
Per FBI, over half of 2021 active shooter incidents studied occurred at places of commerce
Guest blog from "Danny's Mom" concerning the tragic loss of her 13-year-old son to bullying.
WVPI Interview Published by the Florida Bar's Latimer Center for Professionalism
Title VII and workplace violence prevention
An open letter from the man who tried to stop Columbine to prevent further Columbines from happening
The impact of mass shootings on a dear friend and her efforts to effect change
Leakage of Violent Intent and the Columbine Effect.