Workplace Violence Prevention Institute - WVPI
a not-for-profit organization
Providing Workplace Violence Prevention Research, Education and Training
Recent Posts
Parkland Survivors Lose Negligence Lawsuit Appeal
The ultimate "See Something, Say Something" failure
At least 21 People Killed at Raddison Hotel in Mali
How to develop a workplace violence prevention program
120 Seconds You Tube Offers Information on Workplace Violence Prevention
Candidate for FL House Elijah D. Manley addresses school/workplace violence prevention with the WVPI
First of two charged with STEM School Shooting to be sentenced today
New York officials confirm chief judge's picture, name found on suspect who murdered another jud
Attack on Judge Esther Salas, possible planned assault on Judge Janet DiFiore was workplace violence
"Mens rights" lawyer with case before federal judge, kills her 20 year old son, wounds her