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Workplace Violence Prevention Institute - WVPI
a not-for-profit organization
Providing Workplace Violence Prevention Research, Education and Training
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Candidate for FL House Elijah D. Manley addresses school/workplace violence prevention with the WVPI
Foreword: I met Elijah D. Manley, candidate for District 94, Florida House of Representatives, at around the time of the Stoneman Douglas...

First of two charged with STEM School Shooting to be sentenced today
Kendrick Castillo was in class, about to graduate high school on May 7, 2019 when two domestic terrorists masquerading as students...

New York officials confirm chief judge's picture, name found on suspect who murdered another jud
Violence against women in the workplace continues to be a growing concern in this country. As we reported yesterday, the name and...

Attack on Judge Esther Salas, possible planned assault on Judge Janet DiFiore was workplace violence
By now, most have heard about Sunday's outrageous attack at the home of United States District Court Judge Esther Salas, a glass ceiling...

"Mens rights" lawyer with case before federal judge, kills her 20 year old son, wounds her
On July 19, 2020, a man dressed in a Federal Express delivery uniform knocked on the door of federal court judge Judge Esther Salas' home...

Violence Prevention Advocate Randy Brown talks to the WVPI
Foreword: Randy Brown, school and workplace violence prevention advocate, consented to an exclusive interview following the June 2020...

Jimmy John's workers fired after filming mock lynching at restaurant
Four employees of a Jimmy John’s franchise restaurant in Woodstock, Georgia have been terminated after they recorded themselves staging a...

EEOC's webinar on COVID-19 and Equal Employment Opportunities.
The United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission ("EEOC") has issued various position statements on COVID-19 compliance,...

Mall active shooter episode leaves 1 dead, 3 wounded
Even during a global pandemic, workplace violence continues to rear its ugly head. Multiple gunshots broke out near a food court at...

Workplace violence in the digital COVID-19 workplace
Over the course of the past few months, many employees have been working "remotely" or have been working a combination of off site and...
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